I tried on Windows 11 and on macOS Ventura with client 1.4.0. I’m able to authenticate fine on both and FerrumGate client is green but I can’t ping or resolve any dns.
I get Destination net unreachable when I ping or
I tried the example of Google DNS but it doesn’t seem to work.
I also tried unchecking Certificate check because I saw that it couldn’t verify the first certificate in the FerrumGate client log
[error] unable to verify the first certificate
After removing the checkmark I don’t see this error but now I see an error 400 after device posture is
[error] Request failed with status code 400
Am I missing something?
I even tried adding a Device Posture that check for the minimum client version but that doesn’t seem to remove the error 400
I just tried deploying a brand new server at a different location (I was testing with Debian 11 on an AWS EC2 instance) and I get same result. Now I tested on an Hyper-V server. Other than port 80, 443 and 9999 do I need to open any other port remotely?
The icon of Ferrumgate client is always green but no network is showing up in the status. When I check if a tunnel is connected in the dashboard it always reporting no tunnel connected. I do see active sessions but no tunnel.
Also I get same result of info device posture is and an error 400 right after the report of the information sent from the computer :
[2023-05-18 14:15:54.937] [error] Request failed with status code 400
[2023-05-18 14:15:57.166] [info] executing command at worker
[2023-05-18 14:15:57.167] [info] sync network status 2023-05-18T18:15:57.166Z
[2023-05-18 14:15:57.168] [info] sync network status []
I tried entering what you sent me but it doesn’t seem to like the cut command :
cut: the delimiter must be a single character
Try ‘cut --help’ for more information.
“docker logs” requires exactly 1 argument.
See ‘docker logs --help’.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters /v SearchList\nERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.\r\n",“assignedIp”:“”,“serviceNetwork”:“”,“resolvIp”:“”,“resolvSearch”:“default.mydomain.zero”,“tun”:“ferrumTnssYx”,“isMasterResolv”:false,“resolvTunDomains”:}}]
On my Mac I just tried connecting via ssh on port 9999 directly and I can confirm the port is open and answer but when Ferrumgate client connect I always get same error. I tried creating a new network (I deleted the default one) and redid the permissions but same result :
[2023-05-19 13:16:52.521] [error] no tunnel created for aws starting new one
[2023-05-19 13:16:52.521] [info] current arch is arm64
[2023-05-19 13:16:52.521] [info] starting new tunnel “/Applications/FerrumGate.app/Contents/Resources/app/service/darwin/arm64/ssh_ferrum” -N -F “/Applications/FerrumGate.app/Contents/Resources/app/service/darwin/arm64/ssh_config” -w any -o “StrictHostKeyChecking no” -o “UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null” ferrum@ztna.mydomain.com -p9999
[2023-05-19 13:16:52.521] [info] executing process command
[2023-05-19 13:16:52.527] [info] worker disconnected
[2023-05-19 13:16:52.529] [info] ipc server closed