Local AD Authentication


I have configured the local AD Setup using verified credentials.

When i try to authenticate i get the attached error.

I would like to understand;

  1. How do i add the AD Users to e.g. a group on the Ferrum Gate for instance “MyRemoteUsers” to use them under Policies?
  2. Do we import users or does the Ferrum use transparrent authentication?


We are using transparent authentication. We don’t sync users or groups automatically.
If user authenticates from AD , also we are creating a user with the same name in ferrumgate.
But we don’t create AD groups in ferrumgate. This means after user authenticates you need to add that user to ferrumgate groups manually.

But it is a good idea to create user groups in ferrumgate and add users automatically. I am adding to task list Thanks.

On the other hand, if it gives “Not authenticated Error” please on the server bash, type below command and follow logs, This causes generally from misconfiguration
ferrumgate --all-logs
if error continues, you can share it from here. Also your AD settings screenshot will be good.
Also you can send to support@ferrumgate.com
We will be happy to help you.