Clientless access (RDP, VNC, SSH)

FerrumGate could provide Clientless access to local applications through browser similar as Axis Security and other solutions embedded on Sophos XG/FortiGate does. I believe Apache Guacamole could be integrated into Docker to make this possible to create connections to local hosts and access them through User Portal without requiring download the FerrumGate client.

Thanks for offer. I added to our investigate list for adaptation. Good idea

There’s also TRASA, that even being a discontinued ZTNA open source solution, provides client less feature with RBAC (role based access control), maybe worth analyze its features and source code: GitHub - seknox/trasa: Zero Trust Service Access
Its homepage and docs are still available through Web Archive: TRASA: zero trust service access. | TRASA: zero trust service access.

Here’s a video tutorial series that shows how TRASA worked on the day:

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It seems that someone has been intended to revive TRASA project again. It’s documentation is available at Welcome | TRASAGate by TechInnoHub